A California Doing Business As (DBA) name is referred to as a fictitious, trade or assumed name that a company applies for in California when the name doesn’t contain a company owner’s last name. This article will briefly describe where to apply for a California DBA name, why a company wants to apply for a DBA name in California;
You generally cannot deduct in one year the entire cost of property you acquired, produced, or improved and placed in service for use either in your trade or business or to produce income if the property is a capital expenditure. Instead, you generally must depreciate such property. You can use the straight-line depreciation or double-declining balance method.
According to California and Delaware laws and regulations, a Delaware LLC can be converted to a California LLC if necessary. This is essentially the process of converting an LLC that incorporated in Delaware to California. This article will briefly introduce several situations in which a Delaware LLC is converted into a California LLC
According to California and Delaware laws and regulations, a California LLC can be converted into a Delaware LLC if necessary. This is essentially the process of converting an LLC that incorporated in California to Delaware. This article will briefly introduce the benefits of converting a California LLC to a Delaware LLC, the conversion under what situation, the materials and procedure required for conversion, and the results after conversion.
When an US corporation is formed, the shares are allotted to the initial shareholders. After some time, shareholders may want to transfer a part or all of the shares to another party for some reasons; this process is called the company shares transfer. Generally, the shares in a corporation are freely transferable. Nonetheless, the Articles of Incorporation, the shareholder agreement, or the bylaws might place some reasonable restrictions on the transfer of shares.
This article will compare similarities and differences between Nevada Close Corporation and C-Corporation from corporate structure, registration requirements, and tax treatment. Close Corporations, Generally not required, unless one or more shareholders request the corporation to hold an annual meeting in writing. The corporation shall hold a meeting within 30 days of receiving the written request.
Business expenses are the cost of carrying on a trade or business. These expenses are usually deductible.To be deductible, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your trade or business. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your trade or business.
As a business owner, you must obtain the following information when you hire employees:Eligibility to Work in the United States,Employee’s Social Security Number,Employee’s Withholding. You must use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form.
After successfully registered in Nebraska, both the corporations and LLCs are required to operate in compliance with the General Corporation Law/Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. This guideline note intends to provide a summary of those on-going compliance requirements for the interest of our clients.
Over the past few years, Singapore has emerged as Asia’s foremost financial hub, with every major international financial institution having its presence here. While U.S., as the most energetic business center, attracts global investors with business-friendly environment and incredible business opportunities.