Unless otherwise indicated, the Business Management visa stated in this quotation refers to a working visa specially for foreigners who either incorporate a company or manage the business of that comp
Regarding to a program to increase foreign entrepreneurs in Tokyo, 6-month Business Management Visa (“Business Start-up Visa”) is launched for foreigners who are planning to start a business in Tokyo.
Japan - Dependent (Family Stay) Visa
Application Procedures and Fees
Dependent (Family Stay) Visa ("家族滞在ビザ" in Japanese) can be applied by an individual who is the spouse or child of (a
Procedures and Fees for Japan Highly-Skilled Professional Visa Application
Highly-skilled Professional Visa (高度専門職ビザ in Japanese) is a residence status designed for highly-skilled forei
Japan - Engineer ‧ Specialist in Humanities ‧ International Services Visa
Application Procedures and Fees
The activities that Engineer ‧ Specialist in Humanities ‧ International Servic
Unless otherwise indicated, the Japan Intra-Company Transferee (“企業内転勤” in Japanese) visa stated in this quotation is for applicants who are currently working for a public or private organization's fo