Normally, the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) will issue the Form BIR56A of the Employer’s Return (“ER”) to employers on the first working date of April each year. ER must be filed within one month from the date of its issuance unless otherwise stated. Before completing the ER, you must read carefully the Notes and Instructions for Form BIR56A and the Notes and Instruction for Form IR56B.
If the source of employment is located in Hong Kong, an employee’s any income derived from that employment falls within the basic charge to Salaries Tax, except in the basis period of a year of assessment render all his/her services outside Hong Kong, or services rendered during his/her visit to Hong Kong not exceeding a total of 60 days in the basis period of a year of assessment.
a Hong Kong company is not subject to Hong Kong taxes if its operations are not carried out in Hong Kong. In determining whether a Hong Kong company’s operations are carried out in Hong Kong, all the company’s operations (starting from sourcing customers and suppliers until the contract for sale, purchase and/or services has been executed) will be considered to find out which processes are carried out in and outside Hong Kong.
According to Section 8(1) of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance, salaries tax is imposed on all income arising in or derived from Hong Kong from an office, employment or any pension.In addition, regarding a non-Hong Kong employment, salaries tax is imposed by Section 8(1A) of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance to assess income derived from services actually rendered in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Taxation System. Property tax is charged on the Hong Kong owners who have derived rental income from letting properties situated in Hong Kong and is computed at the standard rate on the net assessable value of the property.Salaries Tax is imposed on all income arising in or derived from Hong Kong from an office or employment or any pension. “Income arising in or derived from Hong Kong”
If you are liable to tax in Hong Kong, you have to inform the Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”). Section 51(2) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (“IRO”) provides that a person chargeable to tax for any year of assessment shall inform Commissioner in writing that he/she is so chargeable not later than 4 months after the end of the basis period for that year of assessment unless he/she has already been required to furnish a tax return.
Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation. Only profits which have a source in Hong Kong are taxable here. Profits sourced elsewhere are not subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax. The principle itself is very clear but its application in particular cases can be, at times, contentious. This guideline note gives a brief explanation of how the principle operates and provides simple examples for illustrative purposes of the tests applied to different types of businesses.
Hong Kong's tax system is simple and the tax rate is low. In addition, Hong Kong adopts a territorial basis for taxing profits derived from a trade, profession, or business carried on in Hong Kong. Profits Tax is only charged on profits which arise in or are derived from Hong Kong. In simple terms, this means that a Hong Kong registered company derives profits from another place outside Hong Kong is not required to pay tax in Hong Kong on those profits.
As a Hong Kong taxpayer, you may claim child allowance if, during a year of assessment, you maintain an unmarried child who was below 18, or if 18 to 25: a full-time student, or if over 18: disable for work. No double claim of child allowance for a child. No sharing or splitting of child allowance among a couple unless the couple is living apart or divorced.
According to Section 18C of Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance, there are three possible cases for the first accounting period:if the first accounts are made up to a day within that year of assessment, the basis period for the year of commencement is from the date of commencement to the date which the accounts are made up.