One photocopy of passport and residential addresses proof which issued not more than 3 months and in English (such as utility bill or telephone bill or bank statement) in respect of each shareholder; if shareholder is a corporation, please provide Certificate of Incorporation, latest registered office address proof, latest register of directors
There are restrictions on what types of words you can use in a company name. See "restrictions" and BVI Restricted Words.No company can be incorporated which has a name which is identical to another company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands or so closely resembles the name that it could be deceptive or mixed up.
Ready-made, or "shelf" companies are companies, which are already registered by us and are available for immediate purchase by an interested client. These companies have not traded or entered into any dealings or obligations whatsoever. Since incorporation, their documents have been kept motionless "on the shelf" in our office, hence the name.
Limited Partnerships are required to have a minimum of one general partner and a minimum of one limited partner.A limited partnership is not an entity with separate legal personality and cannot own property in its own right. The Act provides that the property of a limited partnership shall be held by its general partner as an asset of the limited partnership in accordance with the terms of its partnership agreement.
Subject to any limitations or provisions to the contrary in its memorandum or articles, shares in a company incorporated under IBC Act may be issued for such amount as may be determined from time to time by the directors, except that in the case of shares with par value, the amount shall not be less than the par value; and, in the absence of fraud, the decision of the directors as to the value of the consideration received
The Memorandum of Association of a BVI business company must include: the name of the company; the address within the British Virgin Islands of the registered office of the company; the name and address within the British Virgin Islands of the registered agent of the company; the currency in which shares in the company shall be issued; a statement of the authorised capital of the company setting forth the aggregate
he actual management (directorship and practical operation) of your BVI Business Company will mostly fall into one of the two main options: Option 1: Company directed by the owner; Option 2: Company directed by an appointed Director (nominee). If the beneficial owner of the Company also acts as Director, there are two clear advantages
After Seychelles is moved to the list of non-cooperative jurisdictions (“EU Grey list”), more new legislation and regulation is being passed to fulfill the requirement of European Union (“EU”). Country by Country Reporting is now introduced in Seychelles.Country-by-Country Reporting (“CbCR”) is a standard formulated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) for exchange of tax information between tax authorities.
Our services for handling the registration of a new Samoa international company together with the first year maintenance fee are USD1,160 excluding delivery fee.Annual maintenance cost for company with a share capital of no more than USD1,000,000 for second year and thereafter is US$950 which covers annual licence fee, annual registered agent and annual registered office fees.
This document, or a set of documents, represent a number of important official decisions carried out by the Subscriber or by the Registered Agent after the offshore company is incorporated. These resolutions shape the internal structure of the company. The First Resolutions would contain information about the name, Registered Address and registration number of the new company