The primary service provided by third-party payment providers is acting as an intermediary for payments and collections. In online transactions, they facilitate money transfers between buyers (payers) and sellers (payees). Currently, third-party payment operations in Taiwan are not exclusive or franchise based.
In Taiwan, companies can be categorized into three types: limited company, limited company by shares and foreign branch office. According to Taiwan’s Company Act, when establishing a company, the founders (shareholders) must hold a meeting to determine the company’s capital amount.
The basic particulars of general companies (non-publicly listed companies) in Taiwan can be found on the Taiwan Business Registration Office website. These basic particulars include basic information such as company name, company address, names of directors, capital amount, and business items. However, detailed shareholder information cannot be accessed through this search.
A Taiwan limited company by shares is required to appoint at least one supervisor to oversee and conduct audits of the company’s operations. The primary purpose of supervisor role is to serve as a check against the board of directors, ensuring that the rights of general shareholders are not infringed upon and that directors do not abuse their powers for personal gain.
Transferring a house to children through a gift allows the use of the announced current value to calculate the gift amount, and there is a tax exemption available to save on taxes. However, if children sell the house later, they will face a huge unified real estate tax because the profit is calculated based on the announced current value at the time of the gift
Limited company by shares in Taiwan holds an annual regular meeting of shareholders every year. If there are significant matters to be discussed, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders may also be convened. Generally, both regular meeting and special meeting are convened by the board of directors.
According to the regulations of Company Law in Taiwan, the term of office for director and supervisor of a Taiwanese corporation is maximum of three years, and elections must be held at the end of each term. However, if the directors and supervisors elected in each election are the same as the previous one, they may be re-elected consecutively.
If a Taiwan company operates in international trade, requiring the import or export of goods, it must register with the Taiwan Bureau of Foreign Trade for an import/export business registration after the company registration is completed. The first step in applying for an import or export business registration is to conduct a preliminary search for the company’s English name
Taiwan Business Certificate is an IC card used by limited companies, branch offices, limited partnerships, and other businesses registered under Taiwan’s Company Law and Commercial Law for online identity verification. Recently, companies can directly use this certificate to apply for various electronic related businesses online, without being restricted by the time and location of case submissions
To comply with the Anti-money laundering policies, Taiwan companies shall declare the shareholding information which shareholders holding the shares more than 10% on the shareholder declaration platform affiliated with TDCC (Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation) on March 1st to 31st annually.