Taiwan's Migrant Worker Retention Scheme, which has already approved the transition of over 4,000 migrant workers to mid-level positions, is currently being amended by Taiwan's labor department to further relax regulations. New additions include mid-level technical jobs in slaughterhouses and an increase in the number of hours for in-house training courses provided by manufacturing and slaughterhouse businesses to 80 hours as a technical qualification.
Upon the termination of employment contract between employer and employees, it is required for the employer to notify such termination to the employee in advance. Advance notice period is a protection termination measure, which aims to make sure the mutual parties have sufficient times to prepare and handle. If the employer fails to notify the termination in advance, it is required to compensate the employee the wages during the advance notice period.
For any Taiwan employees who intend to cease their employment, it is required to notify their own employers in advance. If the notice is failed to proceed, the employee is possible to recover the losses of employer, apart from meeting the exceptional terms, such as violence from employers, failure to proceed the remuneration pursuant to regulations, without notice of cessation of working from employees in advance.
Taiwan labor insurance is an insurance service applied by companies with monthly premiums. The insurance covers for injury, disability, maternity, death and old age. It is a mandatory for employers to apply the labor insurance for their employees. The premium ratio is: 20% fir labors, 70% for employers and 10% for the government.
Upon the occurrence of major transaction or the Taiwan companies’ merger invested by foreign entrepreneurs, MOEA usually request the applicant to present the independent expert opinion. Independent expert is referred as the third party like lawyer, accountant or securities broker who is not involved with the merger or others, so the qualification certificate of such experts is also required.
Taiwan electronic game arcade business is designed for publics to enjoy the puzzle and entertainment games.To manage the electronic game arcade business, “Electronic Game Arcade Business Regulations Act” was enacted by MOEA in accordance with the models of games and sites to manage and execute the registration, inspection, and punishment these related managements of electronic game arcade business.
A board of shareholders is consisted of all shareholders of a company. The purpose of shareholder resolutions is to manage the internal departments. A company limited by shares is required to hold a shareholder meeting once at least per year, which shall be held up within 6 months after the end of fiscal year. The shareholders can call a provisional shareholder meeting if necessary.
The full name of Taiwan startup funding loans is “Loans for Startup Funding for Young Entrepreneurs”, which is also abbreviated as “Startup Funding Loans”. The purpose of this loan aims for the startups to collect the necessary working capital within 5 years. The maximum amount of loads is dependent on the purposes and ways of each entrepreneurs.
Standardized contract is a common type of legal documents in Taiwan, including booking tickets online, rentals, and buying cars..etc.. In order to accelerate the progress of purchasing, the sellers usually would draft a copy of standardized contract and circle the signature area for buyers’ arrangement. It is much easier to have a conflict with sellers in the condition that the buyers didn’t go through the standardized contract in detailed perusal.
For companies which plan to set up a gymnasium or hold up sporty training classes, like street dance classrooms, gymnasium, yoga classrooms, or gym, the venues which square meters are under 300 are not required to apply for a special license. The company is able to start their business immediately after applying for the recognition of training sessions upon registration of company.