Taiwan labor insurance is a job-based insurance. Labors who physically wok in Taiwan are qualified for the coverage. However, the labors who meet the following special conditions are also qualified for the coverage, even unemployed temporarily.Under the status of employment, the insurer (company) cannot reject the coverage for insured persons (labors) and the application shall be submitted in papers.
Upon the closure of a Taiwan company, not owing to consolidation or bankruptcy, the company is obliged to appoint a liquidator to proceed the whole procedures of liquidation to make the juridical person ceasing to exit.For the liquidator of Taiwan company, if the liquidator is not resolved and adopted in the article of incorporation
The payment and collection via mobile becomes prevalent and popular around the world. The payment via cash is substituted by the mobile gradually. The common payment apps in Taiwan are Apple Pay, Line Pay, and JKOPay. Besides, payment mobile is also included third-party payment and electronic payment. Although these functions are all counted as mobile payment, the nature and scope of business is totally different.
To increase the benefits for labors and make the insurance sources more accessible by Ministry of Labor, the labors who apply for unemployment benefit, vocational training living allowances, and parent leave allowances can be applicable to the following new regulations from 18/01/2022 for improvement of labors’ living quality.
According to the definition of 3rd article in “ Measures Governing Investment Permit to the People of Mainland Area”: “ The investors mentioned herein refer to the individuals, juristic persons, organizations, other institutions from Mainland and the companies they invest into in a third area which are, in accordance with these Measures, engaged in investment behaviors in Taiwan area.
For the sake of full correspondence of par value of Company Limited by Shares, which was enacted in the old version Company Act in Taiwan, the system of par-value stock was born hereafter. Due to no minimum amount of par value of shares regulated by laws, it is workable to set a super low amount of par value in the articles of incorporate to ease the difficulty of fundraising the amount of par-value stock theoretically, which is lower than the actual amount of par value.
With the upcoming deadline of special law of repatriated fund within the last two years till now (the law will be expired on August.), CFC regulation is about to come on the heels of it in 2020 by the arrangement of Ministry of Finance in Taiwan. Hundreds of businessmen in Taiwan who preferred to register their companies in BVI or Cayman Islands and invested firms in other countries is going to face an influential effect shortly.
In order to establish a corporation in Taiwan, the foreign investor(s) should obtain approval under the Statute for Investment by Foreign Nationals ("SIFN"). A company established under SIFN is usually referred to as a Foreign-Investment-Approved ("FIA") company. Certain industries are prohibited or restricted from foreign investment under SIFN.
There are four types of companies in Taiwan: unlimited company, unlimited company with limited liability shareholders, limited company and company limited by shares. Unlimited company and unlimited company with limited liability shareholders are rarely used in practice; a company limited by shares is the most common form of business undertaken for foreign investors in Taiwan.
To establish a Taiwan company, a business place within the territory of Taiwan for registration is required.Suppose that the location of business place is at Taipei City, the procedure of “Business Place Pre-search” shall be finished preliminarily to confirm if the intended business items are complied with the urban plan and other related prescribed laws.