The purpose of this article is to introduce Taiwan uniform invoice and instruct how to issue.The introductions as below: Category of uniform invoice;Principle of issuance;How to issue a handwritten invoice;How to deal with the wrong uniform invoice.It is unchangeable for a copy of issued uniform invoice. For example, it is not allowed to reissue the uniform invoice in June with the uniform invoice in July to August
Due to the support and management of China subsidiary mainly from Taiwan head office, such as development of foreign market, purchase and comparison of quotation, legal affairs, accounting, human resource assignment, the expenses will be incurred from these abovementioned services. So, it becomes a significant issue to discuss if the costs shall be assumed wholly by the head office or any other way to share them.
According to “Occupational Safety and Health Act”, it is mandatory for employers to implement health examination on employees. In the condition of employees whose content of works is potential to damage their health or particular subjects from other government entities, the particular health examination items still have to be taken as well.
In accordance with “Business Tax Act”, the prize which is purchased to reward the employees is not allowed to be listed as input tax to offset the output tax. A majority of Taiwan companies usually provide the employees with dinning party, lucky draws the welfare of these kinds, but the nature of these welfares is affiliated with rewarding to the employees, which means the input tax cannot be offset.
From 21/05/2021, in order to promote the development of arts and cultures industry, the income from transactions of individual artworks approved by Taiwan Ministry of Culture is allowed to proceed separate taxation for deduction.First of all, the company shall submit an application to Ministry of Culture before holding the event by one month.
It is a very common phenomenon that a majority of Taiwan’s businessmen choose to invest in cross-country enterprises. However, according to the article 3rd in Income Tax Act in Taiwan, for the location of head office of foreign enterprises within the territory of Taiwan, such profit-seeking enterprise in Taiwan shall comply with the laws to declare the profit-seeking income tax. The domestic and oversea income shall be declared jointly.
Given to the subject of supervisory changed, the deregistration of tax ID number is required upon the change of the responsible person for trade name in sole proprietorship and the new tax ID number shall be registered with the name of new responsible person.
A series of revision promulgated by Ministry of Finance in Taiwan recently, which were a significant revision since the initial promulgation in 2021. One of the must-see points in this revision is the adoption of “Principle Purpose of Test” under the global attention. Generally speaking, the Taiwan government will inspect if the enterprises are going to evade
For Taiwanese who have any source of income in China, these citizens should declare the individual income tax in May annually with the tax incurred in China jointly. Therefore, If the tax in China has already declared and paid, the tax payable in Taiwan can be deducted from to avoid the event of dual imposition of tax occurring.
The purpose of Controlled Foreign Company (Hereafter referred to as CFC) regulation is to avoid profit-seeking enterprise, which established its company in low-tax rate burden country (Profit-seeking enterprises income tax rate less than 14%, like BVI; or only pay the domestic income tax, like Hong Kong or Singapore)without any practical business activity via CFC, evading the tax payable with the practical control