(1) |
Advices regarding the registration of company in the Cayman Islands; |
(2) |
Name availability search; |
(3) |
Preparation of incorporation documents and forms; |
(4) |
Payment of official filing fee; |
(5) |
Provision of first year registered office service; |
(6) |
Provision of first year registered agent service; |
(7) |
Fee for initial filing of register of ultimate beneficial owners; |
(8) |
One company kit. |
(1) |
If there are more than two shareholders or/and two directors, an extra service fee of USD200 will be charged for each additional shareholder/director. |
(2) |
Company with a capital of more than USD50,000 will be subject to higher official filing fee; extra service fees will be charged for tailor-made Memorandum and Articles of Association. |
(3) |
Chinese name is available. If Chinese name is required or the readymade purchased comes with a Chinese name, an extra fee of USD400 will be charged. |
(4) |
Our service fee quoted above does not cover courier charge. |
Item |
Description |
Fee (USD) |
1 |
Express service (Note 1) |
1,200 |
2 |
Name reservation (one week) (Note 2) |
250 |
3 |
Chinese company name |
400 |
4 |
Certificate of Incumbency |
650 |
5 |
Tax Exemption Certificate (Note 3) |
6 |
Certificate of Good Standing |
650 |
7 |
Economic Substance Declaration/Filing |
8 |
Cayman Islands bank account open service (Note 4) |
4,500 |
9 |
CPA certification of incorporation documents (per set) |
100 |
10 |
Notarization and legalization for the incorporation documents (Note 5) |
(1) |
A Company could be incorporated within 5 days with Express Service. |
(2) |
Further reservation is possible. |
(3) |
Tax exemption certificate protect Exempted Companies, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and Trusts in the event that taxation is introduced to the Cayman Islands and may also apply for 20 years tax exemption certificate. |
(4) |
Our services are limited to acting as coordinator between you and the bank in Cayman Islands, providing advices to you regarding the materials required by the bank, preparing some of the documents required by the bank, such as CPA certification and submitting required document to the bank and act as the point of contact to facilitate the opening of the account. We can also assist you to open a corporate account in Hong Kong and Singapore. Fees for this service will be quoted upon request. |
(5) |
Kaizen can arrange to have the registration documents of your Cayman Islands company notarisation by Notary Public and legalisation by the consulate general and designed attesting officers in Cayman Islands. Our fees for these services will be quoted upon request. |
• |
One shareholder, one director and one registered office |
• |
Shareholder can be natural person or corporation and no restrictions on nationality |
• |
At least one natural person be appointed as director |
• |
Minimum share capital is USD1; unless otherwise advised, a company will be incorporated with a share capital of USD1 per share |
Step |
Description |
Days |
1 |
Client places an order for incorporation with Kaizen and provide the documents and information listed in Section 6 to Kaizen by email or post |
Client’s schedule |
2 |
Client arranges to have the identification documents of the shareholder(s) and director(s) certified by Kaizen or other attesting officers |
Client’s schedule |
3 |
Kaizen performs name availability search and reservation |
1 |
4 |
Kaizen or its associate in Cayman Islands files the incorporation documents with the Registrar of Companies |
1 |
5 |
The Registrar of Companies issues the Certificate of Incorporation |
5-10 |
6 |
The Certificate of Incorporation being delivered to our office |
5 |
7 |
Kaizen prepares other corporate documents and sends them to client for signing |
1 |
8 |
Client returns the duly signed documents back to Kaizen by email or post |
1 |
9 |
Whole process completed; company kit being delivered to Client |
Courier’s schedule |
(1) |
One photocopy of passport and residential addresses proof which issued not more than 3 months and in English (such as utility bill or telephone bill or bank statement) in respect of each shareholder; if shareholder is another corporation, please provide Certificate of Incorporation, latest registered office address proof, latest register of directors, latest register of members and register of ultimate beneficial owners, and the identity and residential address proof of each shareholder or Ultimate Beneficial Owner holding more than 10% of shares in that company; |
(2) |
One photocopy of passport and residential addresses proof which issued not more than 3 months and in English (such as utility bill or telephone bill or bank statement) in respect of each director; if director is another corporation, please provide Certificate of Incorporation and latest registered office address proof documents; |
(3) |
The latest organization chart certified by director for identification of ultimate beneficial owners; |
(4) |
Duly completed Company Incorporation Order Form and CDD Form (Provide by Kaizen); |
(1) |
Original copy of Certificate of Incorporation; |
(2) |
3 printed copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association; |
(3) |
Appointment of First Director, First Board Written Resolution, Registers of Directors, Members and others; |
(4) |
Issued Share Certificates(s); |
(5) |
One signature chop and one Common Seal. |
You can click here for information about “FAQs of Offshore Company Incorporation”